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Compass Point was birthed out of a Bible study that began meeting in Dillsburg back in 2010 in Pastor Neil, and his wife Pat's, living room. Those who met had a longing and a desire to find more intimacy with God and each other. While there were many wonderful churches in the area, the close family connections that were formed were something different than they had experienced before in churches they had attended. Over the course of that year more people started coming and it was decided to move to a larger location and begin the process of starting a new church.
That process included writing new bylaws and a constitution that spoke to who we wanted to be as a church. We took flip charts and wrote down all the things we loved about church, and all the things we really disliked about church, as we had experienced it over the years. Then we made the decision to put our focus and emphasis on those things we liked about church and what God has given us in the Scriptures regarding what church is to look like.
The result has been to focus more on the church family and less on church meetings and politics. To be more intentional about loving one another so that those who see us will know we are followers of Jesus. To be about helping people not only find the way to Jesus, but help them grow as disciples in the process.
By God's grace and guidance we have seen growth and God has provided an opportunity for us to move back to Dillsburg where it began and worship there. We are excited to be in such a vibrant growing community. We look forward to joining with the other churches in the area to show people the love of Christ and see discipleship flourish.
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